Tagged: EndyMed

Skin Tightening

Skin-Tightening Treatments                                                                                                                 

When cosmetic laser- and light-based tightening treatments were first introduced, it was with the old adage in mind, “More is more.”

Higher energy levels created more tissue injury and, in the process, significantly more associated pain. Time has revealed that the exact opposite is true: less is actually more.  Lower energy levels delivered via multiple passes over the skin produce a superior result with greater patient comfort.

One of today’s most popular skin-tightening treatments use today is radiofre­quency (RF) technology, which places the heat energy effectively into the dermis where it produces maximum results with minimal injury to the skin. This modality is used to tighten and contour skin, including sagging under and above the eyes under the chin, and along the jaw. As an added bonus, RF can be used on all skin types with virtually no downtime.

3DEEP RF technology works by delivering heat energy to where your skin can most effectively use it to regenerate itself, both in the deeper and in the more superficial layers of your skin. The heat energy stimulates your body’s natural healing process, causing both the growth of new collagen and the strengthening of the existing collagen.

In attacking the appearance of cellulite and body contouring, 3DEEP RF heat energy helps shrink fat cells and speeds fat metabolism, causing a smoother appearance of localized fat deposits. It can be used to treat many body areas, including those that are not normally treatable by other means.

As solutions with both immediate visual improvement and longer-term effects:

  • smoother skin that has better tone and texture
  • an improved appearance
  • a smoother body contour
  • an improvement in acne scars
  • fewer wrinkles
  • a reduction in skin laxity


During the procedure the EndyMed™ 3DEEP® RF handpiece will be constantly moved around the treatment area, a gel will be used on the skin to make this easy to maneuver. The skin will warm-up, feeling like a hot shower or bath. The practitioner’s expertise and the advanced controls and safety features will help make the procedure comfortable and optimize safety. The deep skin layers are gradually heated, while the skin surface remains around 40° C (hot shower temperature).  Your skin temperature will be constantly monitored.  Depending on the size of the treatment area, treatment may take between 30-45 minutes. The treatment is relaxing, pain-free, and carries no side effects.

There is no downtime and normal activities can be resumed.
A course of treatment normally consists of 6 sessions 2 to 3 weeks apart. The results are due to natural changes in the skin and as such are ongoing and long-lasting. These can be enhanced with good evidence-based skincare, UV protection, and periodic facials.

What is the recovery time?

Following treatment, you may immediately resume all routine activities.  You may notice slight redness around the treatment area, which usually disappears in a couple of hours.

How many treatments are required to see the results?

According to your treatment program, your laser technician will offer a series of treatments, up to six, in intervals of one to two weeks. You should start to see improvement in your skin following the second treatment and additional improvement will gradually appear as the treatment course progresses.
As new healthier collagen is formed, tighter, more natural-looking, and firmer skin will be produced. The gradual improvement in your skin will continue even after the completion of the treatment series.

Tomorrow’s skin-tightening treatments will deliver multiple results. Not only will the skin be firmer and tighter in less time, but micro needling, intense-pulsed light (IPL), and RF will be used in combination to simultan­eously minimize pore size, improve texture, eradicate broken blood vessels and increase collagen production