What a nutrient test can tell you about your health
The saying “you are what you eat” may sound like a cliché, but it’s actually true that what you eat and drink each day gives your body the nutrients it needs to grow, repair and function correctly. Yes it is true what you eat is very important but more important is what you assimilate.
Nutrients are your body’s key building blocks, and having a varied, well-balanced diet is crucial for maintaining good health and preventing problems from developing.
Studies show that while many people in Western countries are overfed (that is, overweight and obese), plenty of us are also undernourished.
Processed foods, depleted soils, lack of sun and exposure to toxins are just some of the reasons our bodies are lacking key nutrients.
And, even if you have an extremely ‘clean’ or healthy diet, chances are there may be some essential nutrients you’re missing – especially as you age.
That’s because as we get older, our bodies are less able to make and absorb essential nutrients, even though our nutritional needs are just as high – if not higher – compared to when we were younger.
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