Conventional wisdom tells women to brace themselves as they age: get ready for your appearance to go downhill and your skin to head south.
A woman’s appearance is intimately connected with her feelings of self-confidence and your health is connected to how you feel.
Not looking your best can definitely can put a damper on your mood, but did you know that it could be the reason for breakouts, wrinkles, dull complexion and health issues.
Paying loving attention to the appearance of your skin is one of the best and easiest ways to listen to your body. Whatever is going on inside will eventually show up on the outside.
The good news! It means your skin really can look better than ever — no matter how old you are — once you recognize that what happens on the inside, on both a physical and emotional front, truly does show up on the outside. Stress, anger, depression, embarrassment and fear are some of the fundamental moods that we go through every day and each of these adversely affect our skin. Long lasting emotional changes have a much longer lasting and irreversible effect on our appearance. Similarly, both a good and happy mood has some positive beauty benefits for your appearance. So no need to feel guilty about caring for your skin anymore!
Your skin concerns can be delayed or even reversed with a holistic, natural approach that includes optimal diet, lifestyle, product choices and spa treatments. Here at Advanced Skincare, we see results of this inside-out approach every day in the skin of our clients, skin that grows younger and more vibrant each day. Yours can too! The solution relies on a commitment to take care of your skin monthly.