Fall is right around the corner, slowly and steadily nature is showing signs of unfolding from one season to the next. Fall is a natural time of transition and an ideal opportunity for a gentle detox to reset your whole system and ready the mind and body for a winter of wellness. Just as the trees shed their leaves and cleanse before the winter-so does the human body begin to prepare for the winter also. As a result of this natural process many people find themselves dealing with some kind of seasonal health flair -ups. Toxin overload in the body after a summer full of fun can be express through array of symptoms. The most common complaints are skin conditions, sinus symptoms,weight gain,digestive issues, irritability and mental fog.

Aromatherapy Lymphatic Facial
Lymphatic facial uses a cupping massage technique that is profoundly relaxing and effective. This advanced treatment enhances the immune system, soothes the sinuses and detoxifying your body.
Seasonal Detox Element Facial
This facial treatment combines essential oils to balance skin and a color therapy mask that leaves your skin with an even tone and a luminous complexion. A reflective energetic treatment for the face, that also enhances the body’s sense of well-being.
Cool Peel targets sun damaged, uneven skin-tone and problem skin. Its gentle but effective formulation protects the epidermis so there is no excessive redness or recovery time.
Photo Facials
One of the most effective treatments for removing sun spots on the skin is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacial Treatment. IPL treatment removes dark spots from the skin with minimal to no side effects.
Full Body Detox
Regular detoxing of ALL major organs is essential to maintaining health.
It’s simple. You can down all the vitamins, herbs, and antioxidants you want, but you won’t see your health turn around if your body is toxic.
Having a toxin-free and healthy body will work wonders for your metabolism, which, in turn, will provide you with a huge energy boost to get you through the day, improve your mood, and may even help you lose weight in a smart, natural, and above all healthy and effective way!
Book a consultation with us and we will help you with your fall detox plan.
Tina McCaffrey
Certified Holistic Health Coach and Licensed Skincare Therapist