Acne or retention hyperkeratosis is a disorder of the pores – pores that get plugged up with dead skin cells much like a clogged drain in your sink. Normal pores shed about one layer of dead skin cells per day inside the pore, while an at-risk pore sheds up to five layers of dead skin cells per day. The body just can’t keep up with keeping the pore clear. When the dead skin cells shed more quickly than the pore can expel, this causes congestion under the skin, which forms acne.
The noticeable lesion starts to develop three months before you see them on the surface of the skin. This means that it will take about three to four months to see your skin clear up. Your skin regimen is keeping the NEW acne from forming, so you won’t see those surface three months from now. So, just because you are seeing some breakouts doesn’t mean that your regimen (if you are on the right set of products) isn’t working. These are lesions that got a “foothold” in the pore before you started using products. Work closely with your skincare professional and be patient and consistent with your home-care regime.

Acne Management
There isn’t a cure available, but you can have clear skin if you know what you are doing. There are a few key concepts that you need to know to get your skin clear and get rid of acne.
You need to use the right products for your skin type. A product that is good for inflamed skin (pimples, pustules and cysts) will not be good for non-inflamed skin (blackheads and whiteheads)
You need these products to be strong enough for your type of skin. If they are not, your skin will not change much. If they are too strong, you will irritate and dehydrate your skin; and you will still break out.
You need to use these products in the right way. It takes strong products to get acne under control, but if you use too much too soon, you will irritate and dehydrate your skin. You must start slowly with strong products and build up a tolerance.
You will need in office facial peels and extractions every 2 to 3 weeks in order to purge the skin of acne lesions.
For the fastest and best results it will take dedication and commitment and you must adhere to the acne program.
These are the main reasons you need a skincare expert to guide you in the process of getting your skin clear. We know what it takes to get and keep your skin clear.
Acne Consult
Schedule an Acne Consultation!
It all starts with an analyzes of your skin to explain what type of problems you may have and recommend a customized product regimen. Expect to pay about $75 for your first set of products. I will provide you with useful skincare facts and life style tips to help you have healthy, clear skin. You will leave feeling informed, educated and care for. If you decide to go on our acne-clearing program, you will be instructed on how to use your products for the first two weeks of your program.
45 minutes $50
Acne Treatment
A Purifying Treatment which is formulated for clients who suffer from recurring problematic breakouts. This allows me to exfoliate your skin, extract existing acne impactions and adjusts your home care as necessary. It helps to refine texture and soothe irritated area, leaving the skin calm and reconditioned.
The SonoPeel Ultrasonic with its cavitational ultrasound, is an effective tool to melt and reduce sebaceous plugs in acne treatments. Other treatments such as Salicylic Acid Peel, Chemical Peel, Vitamin A Therapy, depending upon your skin type, may also be recommended by our to acne specialist for the reduction of your stratum corneum. The resulting smooth stratum corneum is much more attractive, even and bright and reduces the likelihood of a sebaceous plug and hence reduces the risk of an acne breakout.
As you go through the process of getting clear skin, you will want to come in for treatments every two weeks. It typically takes six to eight treatments over a 4 month period to get your skin mostly to completely clear. After your skin is clear, you have to maintain your home-care regimen to keep it managed.
60 minutes ~ Acne Facial with extractions $125
AcneFacial with Facial Peel $150
Acne Scars
Acne inflammation can often wound the skin. As your skin heals, an abundance of collagen can be left behind, forming scars that make the skin appear uneven.
When it comes to scarring, preventing any future scarring is the best first course of action. First, in clinic monthly progressive facials will help prevent further scarring.
These scars are stubborn, and no single treatment will do it. Various multi-treatment method will be best in helping to improve your complexion combines key topical ingredients and micro-channeling techniques.
Derma roller, micro-needling, micro-channeling or collagen induction therapy is a revolutionary skin treatment for scar reduction. This therapy originated in Europe and has now gained popularity throughout the world.
This treatment improves the penetration of creams and gels into the skin and tricks the skin to renew skin cells and repair naturally.
Results have demonstrated how it also increases the level of newly formed collagen in the skin which is the magic word when it comes to minimizing the look of scars!
~ Acne Scar Treatment $175 individually or series of 5 for $750
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