Tagged: acne

What is Acne?

Adult Acne

For most people, acne is an inherited condition of the pores.

When someone is prone to acne, their pores clog with dead skin cells much faster than normal. Adult AcneHealthy   pores shed about one layer of dead skin cells per day inside the pore, but  acne-prone pores shed up to five layers of dead skin cells per day.  The body just can’t keep up with keeping the pore clear. Technically, this is called “retention hyperkeratosis” — dead skin cells shedding more quickly than the pore can expel them.

As the dead skin cells begin to accumulate inside the pore, the cells become sticky and get stuck inside the pore and form a plug. Medically, this is called a “microcomedone” – essentially the precursor to all acne.

Hormonal fluctuations trigger more oil production inside the pore. Normally, this isn’t a problem because the dead skin cells don’t get trapped. But with acne prone-skin, when the dead skin cells shed more quickly and form a blockage, the perfect environment for the P. Acnes bacteria is created. The oil is a nutrient for the bacteria, so the bacteria proliferates. So you see, bacteria is not the “cause” of acne, it is the effect of too many dead skin cells. This is an important distinction to remember.

But, some people don’t get inflamed lesions — inflammation is also an inherited tendency. If the dead skin cells and the oil that form the plug don’t become inflamed, the plug becomes a whitehead; that is, a non-inflamed lesion under the skin, also called a “closed comedone”.

Or the plug can become a blackhead, which is a non-inflamed acne lesion where the pore remains open, also known as an “open comedone”. In the case of a blackhead, the tip of the plug darkens as it is exposed to oxygen in the environment. As the oil in the pore builds up, inflammation can develop in the cells surrounding the pore. Blackheads can be infected or not depending on whether the P. acnes bacteria have affected the cells around the pore.
As the oil and the dead skin cells build up, they put pressure on the cells surrounding the pore. With enough pressure, the sides of the pore rupture and the contents of the pore leak into the surrounding skin, the surrounding skin now becomes infected, creating a red bump that we know as a pimple. The medical term for this red bump is an inflammatory papule.
Now another, deeper inflamed lesion can form called a nodule or cyst. Scarring is common with nodules and can sometimes leave an impaction behind, which can flare up again and again. When a group of pustules cluster together under the skin, they form a cyst. An acne cyst can appear similar to a nodule, but is pus-filled. They are usually very painful and scarring is common with cysts also.

So you see, acne is primarily an inherited dead skin cell problem. Most acne, no matter what form it takes, starts with microcomedones. This means the solution lies in products that penetrate the pore and prevent dead skin cells from building up. That’s why professional skin treatments and  your home care routine is so crucial — it’s all about preventing the microcomedones (the beginning of acne) from forming at all.  This is the best way to get rid of acne.

Getting results from facial treatments takes time. To get the best results, you’ll have to commit to a series of specific, specialized facials.

Typically, facials are scheduled every other week, until we get the results. To keep the benefits going, you’ll need to be consistent with your acne treatment and skin care routine during your “off days.”



What is Acne?
One of the most common skin conditions in the United States. It is often misunderstood or treated incorrectly. At Advanced Skincare, we believe that understanding your skin issues is the first step to getting rid of it.
Acne forms when the pores of the skin become clogged. This happens when excess sebum is produced, or P. acnes bacteria begins to multiply and clog the area.
Typically, dead skin cells are pushed to the surface of the skin through the pores and expelled from the body. But when too much sebum is produced, these dead skin cells begin to stick together within the pores and become lodged there. This causes a pimple or a pustule to form above the pore.
Our most comprehensive treatment for oily, acne & acne prone skin. Combines powerful anti-bacterial peptides & salicylic acids with soothing botanicals. Includes Light Therapy to calm inflammation & redness.
 How do Facials Help?
Facials can be an effective way to get rid of non-inflammatory or comedonal acne (whiteheads and blackheads). Comedones occur when pores get clogged with oil and dead skin cells. Facial exfoliation takes off the top layer of skin, which unclogs pores and helps oil flow naturally through the follicles, thus avoiding future breakouts. Extractions remove the existing comedones, which both helps your appearance and also lessens the likelihood developing a pimple (which occurs when a comedone becomes inflamed).
What are facials for acne?
A facial is a group of procedures, performed by an aesthetician, to remove dead skin cells and unclog the pores on your face. Facials are available at most spas, but the methods for performing each procedure can vary. When getting facials for acne, the esthetician will perform each of the following procedures:

  • Cleansing and skin analysis: The aesthetician wipes away any excess oil and dirt with a cotton pad or sponge. He/she then looks at your skin with a magnifying glass to analyze your acne, sun damage, dehydration, and/or other conditions.
  • Exfoliation: By definition, an exfoliant removes the top layer of your skin, which primarily consists of dead skin cells. Exfoliation is either a mechanical or chemical process: Mechanical exfoliants are scrubs or other course products that rub away dead skin. Chemical exfoliants are acids and enzymes that slough off dead skin.
  • Extractions: An extraction is the physical unclogging of a clogged pore. The aesthetician pushes a tool called an extractor around each acne lesion, forcing the pus, bacteria, and sometimes blood up through the clogged follicle opening. It is an aggressive procedure that should only be performed by an experienced aesthetician as it can damage your pores if done incorrectly.

Just like with any other acne treatment medication or procedure, getting results from facial treatments takes time. To get the best results, you’ll have to commit to a series of specific, specialized facials.
Typically, facials are scheduled every other week, until we get the results. To keep the benefits going, you’ll need to be consistent with your acne treatment and skin care routine during your “off days.”


Acne Tips for Humid Weather

Acne Skin Treatments

Sure, we all love summer- the weather, the clothes, the beach vacation- but for people with acne, this season can be both a blessing and a curse. You may be surprised to learn that you do not actually perspire much more when the humidity is high, but that sweat simply stays on your skin longer because it does not evaporate into the air as quickly. When sweat hangs around, it can result in blocked pores. Plus, humid air can stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum, giving skin an oily appearance. Eventually the combination leads to more frequent breakouts.

Combat Humidity
Have a good skin regimen. A skin-care routine for people with acne should have at least three parts: cleaning, prevention and spot treatment.

Keep It Clean
To keep your face from looking like an oil slick, cleanse it properly. Choose an gel cleanser that can help dissolve the grease on your face. A formula with salicylic acid is an ideal option if you’re dealing with oily skin in a humid climate because it helps to exfoliate both inside the pores and on the skin surface to prevent acne. Look for a cleanser with a  2% salicylic-acid content so you won’t dry out the skin. Use your cleanser morning and night to keep skin clear and free of shine.

Use an Astringent
You might also add an astringent to your skin care regimen, even if you typically don’t use these products. Astringents are a great way to remove excess oil from the skin’s surface, and leave your skin looking matte. The brand name isn’t important just a product you like and feels good on your skin. You can even use good old fashion witch hazel ( my personal favorite), just get a good quality one.

Alpha hydroxy acids comes in many forms such as lactic acid, mandelic acid, and glycolic acid.

While Alpha Hydroxy Acids can be used for a variety of different purposes, they are most commonly used in treating acne. Their main purpose is to help exfoliate the skin. This ensures that the dead skin cells that remain on the surface of the skin are removed. As you may well know, it is these dead skin cells which contribute to blocked pores. It is blocked pores which will lead to a person dealing with acne.

But if you’ve got your skin clear through other methods and just want to fade some hyper-pigmentation or make your skin brighter and more even, Alpha Hydroxy acid can make an impact even just using it once or twice a week.

Counteract Dryness with a Water-Based Moisturizer. At night, use a lightweight, water-based moisturizer to seal in moisture and help keep your skin hydrated while you sleep. Look for one that is non-comedogenic which means it will not clog pores.

Spot Treat
Salacylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are two over-the-counter meds that work well to help break up the dead skin cells that are clogging the pores. These are usually used as spot treatments, but can also help with prevention.

Getting too much sun even with SPF
While it feels great to be outdoors in the sun as much as possible in the summer, too much of a good thing can wreak havoc on your skin6.

After being in the sun, people can notice a temporary improvement in their skin issues6, but the sun’s rays can actually inflame existing acne and certainly darken the appearance of lesions, making them more noticeable.

Get a Monthly Facial
To further help absorb oil and keep your pores clear, receive an in salon deep cleansing facial and light peel. A deep cleansing facial will exfoliate your skin, remove dead skin cells that can clog pores and cause blemishes.


Acne Tips for Humid Weather